4 Oils You Shouldn’t Leave Home Without

The more we learn and use our essential oils the more we can’t bear to be apart from them. That’s life as an addict 🙂  Depending on the trip I’m taking, I will bring other Young Living oils with me, but these four go where I go no matter what! These little beauties are my go-tos for so much! Here’s what I use them for most while I’m traveling:

Don't Leave H


  • Apply to cuts, scrapes, burns
  • Apply to itchy or irritated skin for relief
  • Dab onto blemishes to help clear skin
  • Rub on the entire family (pets included) for calming or relaxing affects
  • Massage into hands and gently rub onto pillow before bed


  • Diffuse in car for road trips or apply to neck and wrists when in public to calm stress
  • Rub on the dogs if we are traveling with them as well
  • Helps relieve tension
  • Smells amazing, sometimes I just use Stress Away because of how delicious and heavenly it smells


When traveling we are exposed to a lot more and our immune system can be forced to work overtime. Thieves is amazing for  boosting your immune system.

  • Rub on bottom of feet
  • Diffuse to purify air
  • Rub Thieves between hands to help protect from germs (there is a Thieves hand purifier but in a bind I’ll just rub the oil on my hands)
  • I use this for teething babies as well, you never know when a tooth is going to pop through and I’m always prepared.


  • Ease tummy troubles – stomach aches, gas pains, indigestion, etc.
  • Help with headaches or other aches & pains (ahem, menstrual cramps!)

Other oils I usually bring along with me are:

  • Melaleuca Alternifolia, aka “Tea Tree,” – another one that’s awesome for blemishes and a great deodorant
  • Peace & Calming – keeps everyone relaxed and wonderful for the dogs too
  • Tranquil Roll-On – my absolute favorite sleepy time oil!
  • Purification – if I’ll be needing to keep bugs away or get rid of bad smells – perfect for camping our being outdoors!

All four of my go-to oils are included in the Premium Starter Kit I talk about ALL the time. Those who know me know I am obsessed with this kit and what an amazing deal it is. If you haven’t gotten yours yet, what are you waiting for?!? 🙂

Goal Setting: Financial


Ok but really, I had to just get that out of my system because I’m really not looking forward to this post (bleh). Jake and I both are independent contractors, that means at the end of the year we get a HUGE bill from the IRS (did I say HUUUUUGE?). It’s terrible. We need to get our…. you know what…. together so this doesn’t creep up on is every April 15th. And since finances are boooring I’ve decided to take this little webcam selfie for you – this is me making financial goals. Awwww how cute am I? That’s the tea Jake made me, it’s delicious 🙂 Better than a dumb picture of something “financial,” right?

Photo on 1-2-15 at 8.40 PM #2

MY GOAL: Set up quarterly tax billing with our accountant. Create a bank account for Skylar. Keep track of business expenses weekly.

DEADLINE: Set up quarterly billing by April 1st. Create bank account for Skylar (and setup auto transfers) by Jan 9th. Keep track of expenses weekly – Friday night to complete each week.

OBSTACLES: The fact that I loathe all of this. I used to have no problem managing my finances, then I got married, had a kid, ran a business and managed a household and this is the part I dread the most and want to do the least. ICK. I would rather vacuum (that says a LOT).

WHAT CAN ASSIST ME: Our accountant, super nice and knowledgable guy, maybe some tax software (but husband hates spending money on that kind of stuff when he would much rather buy a new couch – totally see his point, hahaha), my sister who is amazing at budgeting and numbers and an Excel guru, our super-duper awesome bank down the street.

BENEFITS OF ACHIEVING THIS GOAL: It would help keep our stress levels down, especially during tax season. Help us not get hit with a massive tax bill all at once. Plus, if we keep organized we could write of more than we already do which would save us money. Setting up an account for Skylar would help pay for her college tuition or be a nice “nest egg” for her later on in life.

SKILLS: Numbers, I’m actually fairly decent at numbers – or I used to be. Tonight Jake asked me what 67 + 36 was and I stared at him for WAAAAAY too long. Not a good sign. Maybe I need some basic arithmetic flash cards. Sad.

MAKE A PLAN: Ok here goes nothing….

1) I’m going to go to the bank tomorrow (ambitious, aren’t I?) and set up Skylar’s account

2) Friday night I will calculate all our expenses for the week and log receipts (oooh sounds like a fun date night!)

3) Jake and I can work on our 2014 taxes this weekend and when we submit to our accountant I’ll ask him to about setting up quarterly tax payments.

ICK ICK ICK, I feel like I need a bath after this post. Gross financial talk. Taxes, bleh. I’m seriously considering just deleting this post and pretending like it never happened because I don’t want to do any of it! But I know it will be worth it in the end, so I’m sticking to it.

Any goals you have that are challenging for you? Anything you need an extra pat on the back to keep you on track?

Goal Setting: Intellectual

Zig Ziglar has said, “A year from now you will be the same person except for the books you read and the people you meet.” So let’s get reading! I love to read but it seems like I NEVER have the time. There is always a kazillion things to do, I do not exaggerate when I say KAZILLION. This year I really want to study up and build my essential oil knowledge. It’s amazing how much I learned in 2014, but I don’t want to stop there.

MY GOAL: Read through ALL my reference books cover to cover (you heard me right….ALL!)

Essential Oil Reference Books

DEADLINE: Dec 31, 2015

OBSTACLES: Finding time and avoiding distractions. This I might need some help and advice on. We love Netflix and Hulu and Jake and I love snuggling in front of the TV watching our favorite shows together. Problem is one half hour show turns into 3 hours of nonsense TV watching and the next thing I know it’s bedtime, dishes aren’t done, laundry needs to be put away, living room needs to be picked up…. ugh. It’s so annoying. Anyone have tips for avoiding distractions and staying productive?

WHAT CAN ASSIST ME: I’m going to put a reminder in my phone to alert me at 8pm, that way I can get ready for bed, get my bible reading and prayer time in, and any remaining time before I zone out can go to reading another educational book. Also keeping them out on my nightstand in plain sight will help me to remember.

BENEFITS OF ACHIEVING THIS GOAL: I want to continue to help people and share my passion and building up my knowledge is the best way I can think to do that. Plus I love learning!

SKILLS: Just time management and self discipline.

1) Alarm is set for 8pm to remind me to go read! Going to post this now so I can go read… time is ticking!

Want to do your own reading? I have a few Essential Oil Pocket References to spare that were purchased at bulk pricing, just comment below if you are on my team and want one!

Goal Setting: Career

For those who don’t know, I’ve made Young Living my business in 2014. I can’t even begin to tell you what a blessing it has been to me and my family. (I’m stopping there – that’s a whole other post and we’re here to talk about goals). I am so thrilled for what 2015 has in store for us! I’m not slowing down in 2015, I have BIG BIG plans 🙂

HOUSEMY GOALS: Silver in Six! Silver is a level in my company when your income can start replacing a salary, if you do it six months from the time you reached Executive you earn an amazing Aroma Complete Set (which retails for $2,625.00). Let me just say I WANT IT!

DEADLINE: Dec 31, 2015

OBSTACLES: It won’t be easy and will take time and effort, so the biggest obstacle I will have is staying on track and pushing forward. I’m sure I will be battling fear and discouragement as I step outside my comfort zone this year, but it will be worth it!

WHAT CAN ASSIST ME: I have so many tools and resources at my finger tips to help me. 1) My amazing mentor, Mica (love you, my friend!), 2) Our awesome and knowledgeable team – there is always someone to answer questions and have your back, 3) My stack of thick reference books to help me gain knowledge and skills, 4) Training videos and tools, best of all 5) My family and friends who have been so incredibly supportive!

BENEFITS OF ACHIEVING THIS GOAL: This is why I’m doing this, this is for my husband and for Skylar. For me as well, but I wouldn’t be as motivated to do this for myself only. I love my family and I want the very best for them. My husband works so hard, on holidays, on weekends, in the middle of the night. I want us both to be able to be there for our children and be able to enjoy life together. That’s what this means to me and that’s what makes me motivated.

SKILLS: I am always growing my knowledge of these powerful and pure essential oils and this amazing company, I don’t think that will ever stop. I have a strong business background already so I think refreshing my business knowledge and applying it will also help.


1) I love Alana Bookhout’s video for a business worksheet tutorial, such a great starting place. I’ve already done this but I want to do it again specifically for 2015.

2) Keep sharing this passion I have for healthier living. I’d like to brainstorm more fun and creative ways we can share our passion with others.

3) Implement a schedule for myself for daily, weekly and monthly activities.

4) Teach one class a month

I’m so excited for what the future has in store for my business in 2015. If you’re interested in learning more and joining me on this journey just contact me at diaryofanoiladdict@gmail.com, I’d love to share my success story with you!

Goal Setting: Physical

For the first time my physical goals look a little different than they had in the past. There was a day I would “pin” photoshopped pictures of Victoria’s Secret models or Jamie Eason for motivation. After having a baby and seeing my body change in strange and bizarre ways, my idea of “perfect” is very different.


I’m happy to say now, 14 months after giving birth, I’m happy with the way God made me and am ok with my imperfections. That being said, that doesn’t mean I’m satisfied with the body I have now. I was doing well eating a clean, paleo diet and working out until the holidays came. So I have to admit…. since the day before Thanksgiving I have gained 7 lbs. SEVEN!!!! In one month!

Usually I avoid making goals that are weight related. I’m not in favor of using the scale to put a number on my self-worth or achievement, but this time I’m making an exception because of my current situation 🙂 So here’s my plan…

MY GOALS: Lose 10 lbs and fit into ALL my jeans with no muffin up creeping out!

DEADLINE: Well I gained 7 lbs in a month, but I imagine it will be a little harder to take off. My goal is one pound per week which would bring my deadline to March 12th.

OBSTACLES: Oh boy, LIFE! Just so much to do and finding time and energy to workout and eat healthy is incredibly challenging, especially with a 14-month-old.

WHAT CAN ASSIST ME: I will be using Young Living’s Slique system to help curb cravings and Ningxia for energy and cravings as well. I’m also going to be using my Peppermint essential oil to help with alertness and energy. I’ll also be getting organized so all my workout gear will be ready to go for when Skylar goes down for a nap, I can just hit play!11522255694_9dc1707ca8_k

BENEFITS OF ACHIEVING THIS GOAL: Feeling better about myself, more confident and I’ll have more energy for keeping up with a little one. Plus my family gets the residual benefits – healthy home made meals which will make me happy as well.

SKILLS: Well these skills will have to develop, I’m very out of shape right now. I’m basically a giant container for turkey, sweets and pumpkin pie. I love workout DVDs now – convenient with a baby, no gym cost, I can start/stop whenever I want and go at my own pace (I usually start REALLY slow and have to work up, sometimes I can only make it 10 min into the workout…. shhhhh don’t tell anyone how pathetic I am). There are a few of my favorites – Jillian Michaels and Tony Horton’s P90X.FullSizeRender


1) Workout 4x per week during Skylar’s nap.

2) Eat clean/paleo diet (I allow myself minor cheats here and there – some dairy, but no refined sugar at all).

3) Use my Young Living Slique, Ningxia and essential oils to help keep me on track.

Anyone want to join me in getting stronger, losing weight and getting healthier? What does your plan look like?

Goal Setting: Spiritual

Goal Setting_-2I think this is the most important as well as the most neglected, at least for me. I’m pretty ashamed about that but I’m here to be open and honest. The good thing is I can do something about it!

MY GOALS: Pray and read for a minimum of 15 minutes each, build up to 30 minutes each.

DEADLINE: Start immediately but build up by March 1.

OBSTACLES: Chaos of life, business, TV, distractions, cleaning house, friends & family wanting to make plans.

WHAT CAN ASSIST ME: My friends/family can help remind me and keep me on track, set a reminder alert in my phone, my church has a great prayer plan AWCIPA I will print and keep on my nightstand with my Bible. Cleaning off my nightstand from the clutter.

BENEFITS OF ACHIEVING THIS GOAL: I want God to be a bigger part of my life. I’m guilty of always wanting to be in control of everything and having everything my way. Marriage and having a baby has helped me step back and be less selfish but I need to make God the most important part. I want to do this not only for myself but for my husband and for my daughter.

SKILLS: That’s the beautify of this goal, NO SKILLS INVOLVED… well except for reading, but I can do that!


1) Keep my nightstand free of clutter and nonsense so I can focus each night.

2) Get a prayer/study journal to write my thoughts down.

3) Printout AWCIPA prayer plan 

4) Download Bible app – I’ve used this app before and loved it. It’s free and you can schedule reading plans and reminders for yourself. You can use the app itself for your reading or you can just use the plans and reminders.


Ok, getting to work on this one today! Here’s my question for you. What has helped you keep and develop positive habits? Any tools you want to share?


Exciting New Beginnings

I just can’t even tell you how excited I am for 2015. Not the superficial “new year” excitement, because I have never been into resolutions at all. But this year I need a fresh start and a new beginning. 2014 was a challenging year, in good ways and bad. I’m excited to take charge and start fresh, get back to basics and the things that matter to me.

But again, I’m not into resolutions. So this year I’m setting GOALS! This may sound like the same thing but really it isn’t. Goal setting is a powerful tool and there is a process involved.

I hated goal setting early in life because I thought of it more like a wish list, “by the time I’m 40 I want to be a millionaire” – super duper. Didn’t seem useful or beneficial. Then I learned about Zig Ziglar’s plan for goal setting and I thought the whole process was fascinating. Plus, he gives guidelines to seven key areas in your life to focus on.

That’s what I’m doing this year and I invite you to join me!

Goal Setting Image

Now, this is a great starting point but I also recommend following Zig’s guidelines to setting your goals and sticking to them. Because having a goal is just the first step.

1) STATE THE GOAL – make it positive and specific! Write it down!

2) SET A DEADLINE – make it a date, mark it on the calendar!

3) IDENTIFY OBSTACLES – this is a challenging one because we have to face our fears but knowing what could hinder us helps us overcome these obstacles and keep them from tripping us up later on.

4) WHAT CAN ASSIST YOU – friends? family? organizations? resources? support groups? Make a list of what you have to back you up!

5) IDENTIFY BENEFITS OF ACHIEVING YOUR GOAL – how would it affect you positively, or others, once you achieve your goal? Visualize what your life would look like, write it down!

6) LIST THE SKILLS YOU NEED TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL – What can you do to make reaching this goal more attainable?

7) MAKE A PLAN – what daily activities do you need to implement to achieve your goal? Start writing a specific plan you can follow and keep yourself on track.

This may seem like a lot of work, but this is more than a resolution, these are GOALS! Here is a great worksheet I found that can help. I also suggest handwriting each of these out so you can refer to it often. I’ll be sharing some of my goals with you in the next week, I’m excited for this new journey! Bring it on 2015!